
I'm a Research Fellow at the Openmind Research Institute. I obtained my Ph.D. in computing science at the University of Alberta, where I was advised by Dr. Richard Sutton. Before that, I studied mechanical engineering at the University of British Columbia, specializing in mechatronics. My research is motivated by the view of artificial intelligence as a means to artistically bring characters to life—so much so that even the designer can believe it. My work primarily builds upon the framework of reinforcement learning as a model of natural intelligence, with broad interests in online learning, sequential decision making, artificial life, and penguins. Beyond research, I dabble with speedcubing, speedrunning, game development, and visual art.


Email kris@pengy.ca
Office Starbucks WEM Indigo

I'm always down to chat—be it about research, hobbies, life, penguins, etc. Feel free to reach out via email or Calendly!